Package iofXml.v3
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description DateAndOptionalTime Defines a point in time which either is known by date and time, or just by date. Course Defines a course, i.e. ClassType Defines a class type, which is used to group classes in categories. Control Defines a control, without any relationship to a particular course. Role A role defines a connection between a person and some kind of task, responsibility or engagement, e.g. Route Defines a route, i.e. Service Defines a general purpose service request, e.g. MapPosition Defines a position in a map's coordinate system. TeamMemberRaceStart Start information for a team member in a race. Race An event consists of a number of races. OrganisationServiceRequest Service requests made by an organisation. ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the iofXml.v3 package. PersonRaceStart Start information for a person in a race. TeamEntryPerson Defines a person that is part of a team entry. Extensions Container element that is used to add custom elements from other schemas. CompetitorList Java class for anonymous complex type. SimpleRaceCourse Defines a course for a certain race, excluding controls. ClassResult The result list for a single class containing either individual results or team results. Contact Contact information for a person, organisation or other entity. StartList Java class for anonymous complex type. Position Java class for anonymous complex type. TimeBehind Java class for anonymous complex type. TeamMemberRaceResult Result information for a person in a race. EntryList Java class for anonymous complex type. Image Defines an image file, either as a link (use the url attribute) or as base64-encoded binary data. Organisation Information about an organisation, i.e. StartName Defines the name of the start place (e.g. ClassStart The start list of a single class containing either individual start times or team start times. ResultList Java class for anonymous complex type. CourseData Java class for anonymous complex type. Amount Defines a monetary amount. OverallResult Java class for OverallResult complex type. CourseControl A control included in a particular course. PersonEntry Defines an event entry for a person. Id Identifier element, used extensively. EventList Java class for anonymous complex type. SimpleCourse Defines a course, excluding controls. Person Represents a person. ControlCardList Java class for anonymous complex type. Address The postal address of a person or organisation. TeamMemberCourseAssignment Element that connects a course with a relay team member. LanguageString Defines a text that is given in a particular language. ClassList Java class for anonymous complex type. BaseMessageElement The base message element that all message elements extend. TeamMemberResult Result information for a team member, including e.g. Schedule Defines the schedule of sub-events that comprise the entire orienteering event, e.g. GeoPosition Defines a geographical position, e.g. StartTimeAllocationRequest Used to state start time allocation requests. PersonCourseAssignment Element that connects a course with an individual competitor. SplitTime Defines a split time at a control. EntryReceiver Java class for EntryReceiver complex type. InformationItem Defines a general-purpose information object containing a title and content. Leg Defines extra information for a relay leg. TeamMemberStart Start information for an individual competitor, including e.g. ControlCard The unique identifier of the control card, i.e. Score The score earned in an event for some purpose, e.g. Class Defines a class in an event. TeamStart Start information for a team, including e.g. PersonRaceResult Result information for a person in a race. IofV3 Java class for anonymous complex type. Fee A fee that applies when entering a class at a race or ordering a service. Country Defines the name of the country. ServiceRequest Java class for ServiceRequest complex type. EventURL Java class for EventURL complex type. PersonServiceRequest Service requests made by a person. TeamCourseAssignment Element that connects a number of team members in a relay team to a number of courses. AssignedFee Contains information about a fee that has been assigned to a competitor or a team, and the amount that has been paid. Event Java class for Event complex type. ServiceRequestList Java class for anonymous complex type. TeamResult Result information for a team, including e.g. PersonResult Result information for an individual competitor, including e.g. Account The bank account of an organisation or an event. RaceClass Information about a class with respect to a race. OrganisationList Java class for anonymous complex type. Map Map information, used in course setting software with regard to the "real" map. TeamEntry Defines an event entry for a team. ClassCourseAssignment Element that connects a course with a class. PersonStart Start information for an individual competitor, including e.g. ControlAnswer Defines the the selected answer, the correct answer and the time used on a Trail-O control. RaceCourseData This element defines all the control and course information for a race. PersonName Java class for PersonName complex type. Competitor Represents information about a person in a competition context, i.e. -
Enum Summary Enum Description EventClassStatus The status of the class. EventForm Java class for EventForm. ResultStatus The result status of the person or team at the time of the result generation. EventClassification Java class for EventClassification. RaceDiscipline Java class for RaceDiscipline. EventStatus Java class for EventStatus. RaceClassStatus The status of a certain race in the class. ControlType The type of a control: (ordinary) control, start, finish, crossing point or end of marked route.